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The colonies can form vast expanses of several square metres.
This bright yellow to orange colonial anemone grows and reproduces by budding. It is made of polyps measuring half a centimetre to 2cm in diameter, each with 34 tentacles arranged in two whorls. It is found on vertical walls and shady rocky overhangs at depths of between 5 and 200m in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. The colony usually grows on sponges of the genus Axinella.
Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Anthozoa
Order: Zoanthidea
Family: Parazoanthidae
Scientific name: Parazoanthus axinellae
French: Anémone encroûtante jaune
Spanish: Actinia encrostante amarilla
Italian: Margherita di mare
German: Gelbe Krustenanemone