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The red-mouthed goby dislikes going out. It never moves far from its hole so its territory is tiny!
Of the many goby species, this is probably the easiest to recognise, with its reddish-brown body with light and brown spots and its bright red lips! This small and very solitary fish is no more than 18cm long and feeds on small invertebrates. It lives on all types of sea bottoms between 10 and 20m deep. It is found in the Mediterranean except in the Black Sea, and from the Ireland to Morocco in the Atlantic.
Phylum: Vertebrates
Class: Osteichthyes
Order: Perciformes
Family: Gobiidae
Scientific name: Gobius cruentatus
French: Gobie à lèvres rouges
Spanish: Gobit
Italian: Ghiozzo boccarossa
German: Blutmund Grundel