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This species often lives with congers or moray eels, which it cleans by using its claws to collect parasites and waste from their skin, gills and snouts.
It is called the Monaco shrimp because of its colouring, which is brownish-red to bright red with longitudinal white lines. It has a dorsal carina and a jagged rostrum. Its maximum length is 5cm. This shrimp keeps out of the light, living in rocky areas and Posidonia seagrass from the surface down to 50m. It is found in the Mediterranean and in nearby Atlantic waters.
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Crustacea
Order: Decapoda
Family: Hippolytidae
Scientific name: Lysmata seticaudata
French: Crevette nettoyeuse
Spanish: Camaron
Italian: Gamberetto rosso
German: Garnele