The greenish females are rarely seen as they shelter in crevices, rock holes and concretions. Their soft, bulbous bodies measure 5 to 6cm and have an extendible proboscis. This is a tubular mouthpart with a groove on the dorsal side and a sort of spoon (or bifid tendril) at the end that it uses to capture food, plankton and organic waste. The minuscule male (1 to 3mm long) lives as a parasite in a brood pouch close to the female’s genital sac, fertilising her eggs as she produces them. The green spoonworm has a cosmopolitan distribution across all types of sea floors from the surface to more than 1000m deep.
Phylum: Annelida
Class: Echiura
Order: Echiuroidea
Family: Bonelliidae
Scientific name: Bonellia viridis
French: Bonellie
Spanish: Bonellia
Italian: Bonellia
German: Bonellia