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There are many very similar algae species to be found in all warm seas.
The algal body is formed by a chain of small, slightly calcified disks that vary in diameter from 5 to 25mm and are about 1mm thick. They are often covered in other algae and small epiphytic invertebrates. They vary in colour from light to dark green. Calcareous green alga can reach heights of up to 50cm. It prefers shady, rocky bottoms between the surface and 75m deep and is found in the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific.
Phylum: Chlorophyceae
Class: Ulvophyceae
Order: Bryopsidales
Family: Halimedaceae
Scientific name: Halimeda tuna
French: Monnaie de Poséidon
Spanish: Halimeda
Italian: Monetine di mare
German: Meerkette