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Boarfish lay their eggs in open water where they drift on the surface. The eggs contain a drop of oil that makes them float.
This fish has a very unique shape. It has a flat, disk-shaped body and is pink or orangey-red, sometimes with yellow vertical stripes. It can snap up small crustaceans, molluscs and worms with its highly protractile mouth. It has big eyes and measures no more than 16cm. Living on rocky, sandy or muddy bottoms between 40 and 600m deep, it is rarely seen by divers. In the Mediterranean, boarfish occur in the western basin and in the east part of the eastern basin. In the Atlantic, they range from Norway to Senegal.
Phylum: Vertebrates
Class: Osteichthyes
Order: Zeiformes
Family: Caproidae
Scientific name: Capros aper
French: Sanglier
Spanish: Galleta
Italian: Caprisco
German: Eberfisch, Ziegenfisch