The Institute will be taking part in the congress, notably with speeches by Patricia Ricard, the Institute’s President, during conferences and round tables. While some are reserved for congress participants, others are open to the general public.
Saturday 4 September and throughout the congress
Patricia Ricard will be speaking at the Forum, and will present an e-poster on the topic : ‘Suppose Nature gave us lessons for the future ? Bouillabaisse 4.0’. Reserved for congress participants, accessible online.
Speech by Patricia Ricard at Pavillon France, with Mr Payan, Mayor of Marseille, on the topic : ‘Marseille, carbon neutral city by 2030’. Open to the general public.
Sunday 5 September
Speech by Patricia Ricard, in the form of a pitch for solutions, on the theme : ‘An Ocean of solutions for the Climate and Biodiversity’, Ocean and Climate Platform, at Pavillon France. Open to the General Public.
Monday 6 September
8.30 – 9.30
Patricia Ricard will take part in the meeting of the Sea’Ties partners, at Mx at the Docks. A programme led by the Ocean and Climate Platform to tackle coastal erosion in the context of climate change.
Link to the Sea’Ties programme
14.30 – 15.30
Speech by Patricia Ricard on the Océan de Synchronicity stage, on the theme ‘Valorisation of marine resources: how to valorise collected marine waste’. EGN, open to the general public.
Patricia Ricard will speak during the official presentation of the fresco on biomimicry exhibited in the Generation Nature Areas. Open to the general public.
Tuesday 7 September
-10.30 to 11.00
Patricia Ricard will speak at the round table devoted to the Blue Plan : ‘Aquaculture and Biodiversity in the Mediterranean’. At Pavillon France, open to the general public with registration.
Patricia Ricard will speak at the round table on “Issues related to biodiversity and the circular economy’, organised at Pavillon France with CITEO, designated since November 2020 as a Mission Corporation. The President of the Institute is a member of the Mission Board. Open to the general public, Stand Citeo (A48) – Exposition area – Hall 3.
Thursday 9 September
Patricia Ricard, with Dr Robert Bunet, Doirector of Research, and Dr Sylvain Couvray, will take part in a visit to the Calanque de Podestat, in partnership with EDF. A research programme carried out at the Institute since 2012 focused on a study of the evolution of the biodiversity of this protected area, within the Calanques National Park. The outing is reserved for congress participants.
Saturday 11 September
As a side event of the congress, the GPES, the oldest diving club still active, will celebrate its 80th anniversary at La Ciotat. After a morning focused on the history of diving, Patricia Ricard, President of the Institute, will speak at 14.00 on the subject of future developments.
Information provided subject to alterations and restricted access. The full programme of scheduled speeches and the registration formalities for events at Pavillon France are available at the Congress website.