Citeo has become a Société à Mission’ (public benefit entreprise) and Patricia Ricard has been appointed a member of its Comité de Mission (mission committee), along with three other expert personalities. This label has been attributed to the company for its commitment to the preservation of the planet and its resources, for the public benefit.
We all know Citeo without being aware of it: when we sort our rubbish, it’s Citeo that does the recycling ! Set up by companies in the consumer packaged goods and distribution sector to reduce the environmental impact of their packaging and waste paper, the company provides them with systems for reducing, reusing, sorting and recycling waste. Today, some 28 000 companies make use of its services.
What is a ‘Société à Mission‘ ?
The term Sociétés à Mission implies a notion of public benefit, which may be social or environmental, and concerns both companies and members of the public, in metropolitan and overseas France. For Citeo this involves embedding sustainable development, eco-design and recycling in our daily habits, “to find a response to the ecological emergency and accelerate the transformations that are required”, in order to “preserve our planet, its resources, the biodiversity and the climate”. 70% of household packaging and 57.5 % of waste paper is recycled thanks to the rubbish sorting by people in France that has become the eco-citizen’s first reflex. In phase with this dynamic, Citeo refers to itself as an “accelerator of the circular economy”.
Five social and environmental goals
Reduce the environmental impact of the products of Citeo’s clients, by embedding the circular economy and eco-design in their practices and strategies;
Create the right conditions to build solutions for today and for tomorrow combining environmental and economic performance;
Give consumers the keys to reduce the environmental impact of their consumption;
Co-construct and promote Citeo’s solutions and priorities at local and international scale;
Foster the commitment of Citeo’s teams in pursuing its mission.
A college of four ‘qualified personalities’
Patricia Ricard, appointed to the Comité de Mission in her capacity as president of the Institute, is one of the four members chosen from among ‘qualified personalities’. She will sit alongside Professor Carlos MORENO, an expert on the Smart City, Ms Shu ZHANG, CEO of Pandobac, and Professor Philippe MOATI, Co-founder of the Observatoire Société et Consommation (Obsoco)(society and consumption observatory).
The other members of the mission committee are representatives of the company’s clients, a recycling operator, a non-profit association, an elected official and a member of the company’s staff. The committee will be responsible for monitoring the company’s new role.